Wednesday, 30 November 2011

The Right Stuff. I Don't Have It.

Creating this blog has made me attack music creation with a much more structured approach with both its pros and cons. The first thing I realised is that to be able to complete tracks the most difficult part will be to find the strength to produce and mix the tracks - this is boring as hell...

However, using the right equipment helps. A few days ago, I realised that mixing through my HD-25s was not ideal - they clearly don't reflect the actual sound reality when playing songs in speakers.

Happy faces listening to daddy's mixes with HD25s

Crinching when instead hearing mixes through my EVO4 speakers

Therefore, I have realized that I should probably get the AKG-701, which give a more honest sound - right now, the bass drum take up too much frequency space in my mixes while the general balance of the tracks seem a bit off...

Does anyone have any other suggestions for good studio headphones?

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