Monday, 12 December 2011

Damn you, Mother....board

I haven't posted anything in a couple of days due to my computer's motherboard crashing. Fortuneately there was no data loss since there were no problems with the disk.

Matilda is getting ready for christmas

Friday, 2 December 2011

Silence - I kill you!

In this song I have remixed one of the most remixed songs ever - Silence, by Delerium. Actually, this remix is a couple of years old, but I have done some modifications in recent days. I think I've done something different with it - however, this may be only because there are still hundreds of remixes I have yet to hear...

Delirium - Silence (Leadstrom Remix) by Leadstrom

Btw, I have now decided to not do any mastering on any of my tracks until I get my new headphones. There is a limit on the kind of distorted sound reality I wanna live in...

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

The Right Stuff. I Don't Have It.

Creating this blog has made me attack music creation with a much more structured approach with both its pros and cons. The first thing I realised is that to be able to complete tracks the most difficult part will be to find the strength to produce and mix the tracks - this is boring as hell...

However, using the right equipment helps. A few days ago, I realised that mixing through my HD-25s was not ideal - they clearly don't reflect the actual sound reality when playing songs in speakers.

Happy faces listening to daddy's mixes with HD25s

Crinching when instead hearing mixes through my EVO4 speakers

Therefore, I have realized that I should probably get the AKG-701, which give a more honest sound - right now, the bass drum take up too much frequency space in my mixes while the general balance of the tracks seem a bit off...

Does anyone have any other suggestions for good studio headphones?

Sunday, 27 November 2011

My first song (but not really)

Technically, I guess this is my first post (and song). However, this is actually the latest song I've been working on - a straight up electronica house which has had a few iterations over the last weeks. I think (wish) it sounds a bit like a Deadmau5/Avicii hybrid.

The Matilda Project, first track by Leadstrom

Still work in progress, I am still dabbling with the drums and hihats.

Please feedback:)


The Matilda Project

Hi everyone!

Almost ten months ago, my daughter Matilda was born. Besides being an awesome baby, she (and the benovelent Swedish government) has allowed me to be a stay-at-home dad for the coming eight months.

Having been an avid music fan and hobby music producer for most of my adult life, I have decided to use this opportunity to try and create a full length electronic album during the coming months.

And so, The Matilda Project was born.

This blog is going to be about great music, inspiration and of course - the progression of my full length album. I will also post cute baby pictures at random.

My ambition is that my readers will help me with feedback, production tips and general input.

Hopefully, there will be something resembling an album at the end of May 2012 - I hope you'll join me along the way.
