Wednesday, 18 April 2012

A thousand little plays

Good evening!

A milestone was reached on my soundcloud-account the other day - my songs have now gotten a combined 1000 plays in total. Although probably 1/4 of that is me playing my songs on different units it is nevertheless a milestone...

I have also had time to finish the Gotye song which I think turned out very well. I think I managed to find my own expression of the song without destroying the beautiful singing by Gotye.

The internet is literally swarming with different covers of the song so its kinda hard to get traction. I did however find my song in this blogpost for some reason, Surprising to say the least.

The Gotye remix is also featured in "newcomers" at ScandinavianHouseMusic.

Here is the finished version - hope you enjoy it!

Gotye - Somebody that I used to know (Leadstrom Remix) by Leadstrom

Me and Matilda hard at work remixing Gotye


Friday, 13 April 2012

The evolution of dance...

First off. I hate the evolution of dance clip. It's why Internet shouldn't exist.

Anyway, thought I'd post the progress on the gotye remix so it's easier to follow the creative process. I think I found a good structure for the break now. Its much better to separate the chorus from the synth since they both are powerful on their own. Its also a lot better in terms of build-up.
I'm also considering getting rid of the verse - right now it doesn't really add anything.

Tomorrow I'll start working on drums and different break tools such as reverse hihats etc.

Somebody I used to know rev by Leadstrom

Good night

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Old tracks revisited

Late nite again... ...and an old track again...

Revisiting Gotyes - Somebody I used to know I think I've really found a lead that sticks. Still in early stages I think the remix has real potential. Will keep you updated as the song progresses - this is really work in progress.